a)Piston Hub
Piston Hub the material used is ASTM5140 or ASTM4140, the premium forged steel. Piston has single action, double action, single action vulcanization and double action vulcanization piston ,which has A,K, B & L type. Outer round is determined based on the liner bore, it has 4”、4.5”、5”、5.5”、6”、6.25”、6.5”、6.75”、7”、7.25”、7.5”、7.75”、8” and piston has 1”、1-1/2”、1-5/8”. Double action piston has API-1#、API-3#、API-4#、API-5#、API-6#.
b) Piston Rubber
Piston Rubbermaterials used is or Polyurethane. They are divided intoA, K, B and K type and the size will be determined based on the piston to be used.
c) Plate & Snap Ring
Plate & Snap Ringmaterial used is 20# steel plate, and it is completed throughfine machining & pressing.. Its size will be determined based on the piston to be used. Material of snap is adopted and used ASTM1066 and it is divided into A、K、B、L type.